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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e252743, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448951


O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar e compreender fenomenologicamente, por meio de relato de Psicólogos de Esporte (PE) e de Coaches, em sua vivência prática, como ocorrem os processos reflexivos em sua atuação, conforme apreendidos a partir de relatos de experiências. O método de investigação escolhido foi a fenomenologia, pois oferece os recursos necessários para tal mergulho junto à experiência reflexiva. A amostra intencional foi delineada por PE e Coaches (profissionais de Educação Física que recorrem ao Coaching) em atividade em esportes de alto rendimento, que tenham atuado ou estejam atuando em modalidades esportivas coletivas e/ou individuais. Realizaram-se nove entrevistas (cinco com PE, quatro com Coaches). O acesso ao objeto desse estudo se deu por meio de entrevistas em profundidade e semiestruturadas, orientadas pela escuta suspensiva. As questões disparadoras foram formuladas com base no Procedimento Estruturado de Reflexão adaptado. Para análise das entrevistas, realizou-se uma síntese de cada relato, seguindo-se de cruzamento intencional. Como resultados, percebeu-se que PE e Coaches trazem algumas similaridades no que se refere aos modos de refletir sobre sua prática. No entanto, as experiências que eles fazem desses processos reflexivos é que podem tomar rumos distintos. Os(as) PE amparam-se na regulamentação da profissão e resguardam-se em seus apontamentos, trazendo suas experiências e reflexões sobre os processos vividos. Os(as) Coaches trazem em suas explanações um trabalho coerente, organizado e compatível com o método do Coaching. Problematizar os processos reflexivos desses profissionais permite diferenciar qualitativa e eticamente suas atuações, possibilitando o fomento multiprofissional no esporte.(AU)

The aim of this study consists in phenomenologically identifying and understanding, by the report of Sport Psychologists (SP) and coaches, in their practical experience, how would be the reflexive processes that take place in their performance, as learned from reports of their experiences. The research method chosen was phenomenology, since it offers the necessary resources for such a dive along with the reflective experience. The intentional sample was outlined by SP and coaches (Physical Education professionals who use coaching) active in high performance sports, who have or are working in collective and/or individual sports. Nine interviews were conducted (five with SP, four with coaches). Access to the object of this study took place by in-depth and semi-structured interviews, guided by suspensive listening. The triggering questions were formulated based on the adapted Structured Reflection Procedure. For the analysis of the interviews, a synthesis of each report was carried out, followed by the intentional crossing. As results, it was noticed that SP and coaches bring some similarities regarding the ways of reflecting on their practice. However, their experiences of these reflective processes are that they can take different directions. The SP are based on the regulation of the profession and guard themselves in their notes, bringing their experiences and reflections on the processes experienced. Coaches bring in their explanations a coherent, organized, and compatible work with the coaching method. Problematizing the reflective processes of these professionals allows to differentiate their actuation qualitatively and ethically, making the multiprofessional phenomenon in sport possible.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio consiste en identificar y comprender fenomenológicamente, a partir de la experiencia práctica de psicólogos del deporte (PD) y coaches, cómo serían los procesos reflexivos que se llevan a cabo en su rendimiento, tal y como se desprende de los informes de experiencias. El método de investigación elegido fue la fenomenología, ya que ofrece los recursos necesarios junto con la experiencia. La muestra intencional fue delineada por PD y coaches (profesionales de la educación física que utilizan el coaching) activos en deportes de alto rendimiento, que tienen o están trabajando en deportes colectivos e/o individuales. Se realizaron nueve entrevistas (cinco con PD, cuatro con coaches). El acceso al objeto de este estudio fue entrevistas en profundidad y semiestructuradas, guiadas por escuchas suspensivas. Las preguntas se formularon desde el procedimiento de reflexión estructurado adaptado. Para el análisis de las entrevistas, se hizo una síntesis de cada informe, seguida del cruce intencional. Como resultados, se notó que los PD y coaches tienen algunas similitudes con respecto a las formas de reflexionar sobre su práctica. Sin embargo, las experiencias que hacen de estos procesos pueden tomar diferentes direcciones. Los(las) PD se basan en la regulación de la profesión y se protegen en sus notas, aportando sus experiencias y reflexiones sobre los procesos vividos. Los(las) coaches plantean en sus explicaciones un trabajo coherente, organizado y compatible con el método de Coaching. Problematizar los procesos reflexivos de estos profesionales permite diferenciar sus acciones de manera cualitativa y ética, además de posibilitar la promoción multiprofesional en el deporte.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Psychology, Sports , Mentoring , Anxiety , Outcome and Process Assessment, Health Care , Personal Satisfaction , Aptitude , Physical Education and Training , Physical Endurance , Natural Science Disciplines , Play and Playthings , Professional Competence , Psychology , Psychomotor Performance , Quality of Health Care , Quality of Life , Recreation , Rehabilitation , Running , Attention , Science , Sleep , Soccer , Social Control, Formal , Social Identification , Social Justice , Sports Medicine , Stress, Psychological , Swimming , Teaching , Therapeutics , Track and Field , Vocational Guidance , Wounds and Injuries , Yoga , Behavioral Sciences , Breathing Exercises , Health , Mental Health , Physical Fitness , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Occupational Health , Walking , Professional Autonomy , Guidelines as Topic , Interview , Congresses as Topic , Meditation , Life , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Wit and Humor , Fitness Centers , Practice Management , Complex Regional Pain Syndromes , Credentialing , Crisis Intervention , Mind-Body Therapies , Exercise Movement Techniques , Biomedical Enhancement , Depression , Diet , Dietetics , Education, Nonprofessional , Employee Performance Appraisal , Employment , Ethics, Professional , Sanitary Supervision , Professional Training , Athletic Performance , Resistance Training , Resilience, Psychological , Musculoskeletal and Neural Physiological Phenomena , Feeding Behavior , Athletes , Capacity Building , Sports Nutritional Sciences , Return to Sport , Work Performance , Professionalism , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Academic Success , Water Sports , Work Engagement , Cognitive Psychology , Science and Development , Cognitive Training , Psychological Well-Being , Working Conditions , Gymnastics , Health Occupations , Health Promotion , Anatomy , Job Description , Jurisprudence , Leadership , Learning , Life Style , Memory , Methods , Motivation , Motor Activity , Motor Skills , Movement , Muscle Relaxation , Muscles , Obesity
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 29(1): 87-99, enero-mar. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251075


Resumo Funções cognitivas são alvo frequente de curiosidade, estudo e reflexão, pois são estruturantes para o ser o humano tal como o conhecemos. Compreender os limites cognitivos, os processos que os originam e a forma de os ultrapassar é, por isso, forma de entender a condição humana e de perceber as consequências da potencial manipulação da cognição. Nos últimos anos tem havido interesse crescente no melhoramento cognitivo mediante o uso de fármacos, e com ele têm surgido diversos e importantes dilemas éticos, médicos e legais. O objetivo deste ensaio é refletir sobre os problemas éticos levantados. Pode-se concluir que o melhoramento cognitivo farmacológico tem de ser mais bem estudado no nível farmacodinâmico para que sua aplicação - regulada e em contextos específicos - possa beneficiar indivíduos e sociedade, não pondo em causa a autenticidade da condição humana.

Abstract Human cognitive functions are often targets of curiosity, study and reflections, since they are essential for human beings. Understanding our cognitive boundaries, the processes that originate them, and how to overcome them means comprehending the human condition and the consequences of manipulating cognition. In recent years, growing interest has been observed in cognitive enhancement with the help of drugs, resulting in several important ethical, medical, and legal dilemmas. This article analyzed the ethical issues involved in this process and concluded that pharmacological cognitive enhancement needs further studies at the pharmacodynamic level, so that its application - regulated and in specific contexts - can benefit individuals and society, without undermining the authenticity of the human condition.

Resumen Las funciones cognitivas humanas son objeto frecuente de curiosidad, estudio y reflexión, ya que estructuran el ser humano tal como lo conocemos. Comprender los límites cognitivos, los procesos que los originan y la forma de superarlos es, por lo tanto, una forma de entender la condición humana y percibir las consecuencias de la potencial manipulación de la cognición. En los últimos años ha habido un interés creciente en el mejoramiento cognitivo a través del uso de productos farmacéuticos, y con ello han surgido una serie de importantes dilemas éticos, médicos y legales. El propósito de este ensayo es reflexionar sobre los problemas éticos planteados. Se puede concluir que el mejoramiento cognitivo farmacológico debe estudiarse mejor en el ámbito farmacodinámico, de modo que su aplicación, regulada y en contextos específicos, pueda beneficiar a individuos y a la sociedad sin comprometer la autenticidad de la condición humana.

Nootropic Agents , Biomedical Enhancement , Ethics, Medical
Saúde Soc ; 29(1): e190967, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101906


Resumo Nas últimas duas décadas, o envelhecimento ativo adquiriu expressão relevante enquanto paradigma de políticas públicas para fazer face aos desafios colocados pelo envelhecimento demográfico. Definido, primeiramente pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), de forma a enfatizar a responsabilidade da sociedade no seu conjunto relativamente à qualidade de vida ao longo do processo de envelhecimento, o paradigma do envelhecimento ativo, atualmente, tem vindo a concentrar-se, sobretudo, no adiamento da idade da reforma e na redução dos custos com a saúde nos últimos anos de vida, a partir de uma lógica de responsabilização individual. Para a elaboração deste artigo, foram consultados vários sítios on-line de clínicas médicas portuguesas nas quais se praticam consultas/tratamentos de medicina antienvelhecimento, analisando os anúncios publicitários dos serviços prestados, bem como artigos de opinião redigidos pelos próprios médicos dessa especialidade, dirigidos a um público leigo. Conclui-se que, a par da responsabilização individual pela saúde e, de forma mais geral, pela forma como se envelhece, assistimos hoje à expansão de um amplo mercado de produtos e serviços antienvelhecimento que nos permitem argumentar que o ideal de envelhecimento ativo poderá estar ao serviço de uma indústria da perfeição.

Abstract In the last two decades, Active Ageing acquired significant importance in scientific and political forums as a new paradigm of public policies to meet challenges posed by the ageing population. Defined by the WHO as to emphasize society's responsibility regarding quality of life as people age, the Active Ageing paradigm represents, nowadays, a progressive narrowing of action scope and accountability. In recent years, assuming the logic of individual accountability, it serves as basis for the accusation of individual negligence in not adopting a healthy lifestyle. This study analyses the websites of several Portuguese medical clinics specialized in anti-ageing medicine, where one can find advertisements of the services provided, and, in some cases, opinion articles drawn up by doctors of this medical specialty, for a lay audience. Considering the increasing international dimension of the aesthetic and hormonal enhancement biotechnologies market, the ideal of Active ageing can, today, be at the service of the culture of perfection.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Health of the Elderly , Biomedical Enhancement , Healthy Aging
Saúde Soc ; 29(1): e190936, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101910


Resumo O consumo de medicamentos para aprimorar processos mentais, como memória, concentração e estado de alerta, tem se expandido. As chamadas smart drugs e fármacos nootrópicos são utilizados na expectativa de obter melhor desempenho em tarefas profissionais e acadêmicas. Este artigo analisa a difusão do uso de medicamentos para aprimoramento cognitivo, a partir de um blog brasileiro chamado Cérebro Turbinado, com ênfase na discussão da categoria "nootrópicos". A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa socioantropológica documental, baseada em materiais de divulgação científica que integram o conteúdo do blog, criado em 2015 por um estudante de medicina de uma universidade pública. O blog apresenta os nootrópicos como opções mais acessíveis, seguras e igualmente eficazes em comparação com os medicamentos psicotrópicos utilizados como smart drugs. Editor e leitores produzem um saber coletivo para otimizar o desempenho cerebral. As experiências pessoais evidenciam a maneira como os indivíduos interpretam seus estados corporais e os relacionam com os medicamentos. Na esteira dos processos de farmacologização da sociedade, a produção de modos de subjetividade baseadas em uma concepção individualista dos processos de saúde/doença/incapacidade, apoiada na compreensão neuromolecular do cérebro, fundamenta-se no compartilhamento de práticas e conhecimentos sobre tais substâncias.

Abstract The use of drugs to improve mental processes, such as memory, concentration and alertness, has been increasing. Nicknamed "smart drugs", nootropic drugs are used with the expectation that better performance can be achieved in professional and academic tasks. This analyzes the spread of cognitive enhancement drugs according to a Brazilian blog called Cérebro Turbinado focusing on the discussion of the nootropic drugs category. This is a documentary socio-anthropological research grounded on the scientific outreach materials that integrate the blog content, created in 2015 by a medical student from a public university. The blog presents nootropics as the most affordable, safe and equally effective options for psychotropic drugs used as smart drugs. Editor and readers turn to the production of collective knowledge to optimize brain performance. The narratives of personal experiences highlight the way individuals interpret their body states and relate them to medication. In the wake of society's medicalization processes, the production of subjectivity modes based on an individualistic conception of health/disease/disability processes, supported by neuromolecular understanding of the brain, is grounded on the sharing of practices and knowledge about such substances.

Humans , Male , Female , Psychopharmacology , Self Medication , Nootropic Agents , Biomedical Enhancement , Medicalization/trends
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 31: e3102, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098328


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the meanings of supplement use among those who engage in physical activity in fitness centers. A qualitative study was carried out based on 67 questionnaires answered on the internet by practitioners of physical training. There was also an observation of the groups in the Facebook, the dynamic and other aspects such as discussions, messages, profiles and images. It was detected that physical activity practitioners care more about the quantity of substances ingested than any other factor that may lead them to suffer certain health risks. They believe that so-called "excesses" may cause diseases to the internal organs. Although the participants believe that their own consumption of supplements does not compromise their health, a biomedical authority is crucial for them to recognize whether or not they are at risk. The consumption of supplements can vary depending on what is understood to be excessive and which risks may compromise the body. There are many motivations for managing these substances. Health risks should not be analyzed solely from a biomedical perspective, but also addressed by the socio-cultural logic of the perceptions and meanings attributed by the subjects to the body and the management thereof.

RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar os significados do uso de suplementos entre aqueles que praticam atividade física em academias de ginástica. Um estudo qualitativo foi realizado com base em 67 questionários respondidos na internet por praticantes de atividade física. Houve também uma observação dos grupos na Facebook, a dinâmica e outros aspectos como discussões, mensagens, perfis e imagens. Foi detectado que os praticantes de atividade física se importam mais com a quantidade de substâncias ingeridas do que com qualquer outro fator que possa levá-los a sofrer certos riscos à saúde. Eles acreditam que os chamados "excessos" podem causar doenças aos órgãos internos. Embora os participantes acreditem que seu próprio consumo de suplementos não compromete a saúde, a autoridade biomédica é crucial para que eles reconheçam se estão ou não em risco. O consumo de suplementos pode variar dependendo do que se entende ser excessivo e quais os riscos que podem comprometer o corpo. Existem muitas motivações para gerenciar essas substâncias. Os riscos para a saúde não devem ser analisados apenas a partir de uma perspectiva biomédica, mas também abordados pela lógica sociocultural das percepções e significados atribuídos pelos sujeitos ao corpo e ao seu gerenciamento.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dietary Supplements , Fitness Centers , Physical Education and Training , Behavior , Exercise , Knowledge , Internet , Health Risk , Biomedical Enhancement , Dietetics , Nutritional Sciences , Anabolic Agents , Motor Activity
S. Afr. med. j. (Online) ; 110(7): 610-612, 2020.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1271269


Indiscriminatory in its spread, COVID-19 has engulfed communities from all social backgrounds throughout the world. While healthcare professionals work tirelessly testing for the virus and caring for patients, they too have become casualties of the pandemic. Currently the best way to attempt to curb the spread of the virus, echoed by almost all nation leaders, is to distance ourselves from one another socially or physically. However ideal this may seem, social distancing is not always practical in densely populated lower-income countries with many citizens below the breadline. With the majority of South Africans living in poverty, communities in overcrowded households are unable to distance themselves from one another appropriately. In addition, as a nation we struggle with high HIV and tuberculosis rates, malnutrition and an already overburdened healthcare system, emphasising the extreme vulnerability of our people. These factors, coupled with the fact that many of our healthcare professionals lack the necessary personal protective equipment to prevent them from contracting the virus themselves, highlight the gravity of the damaging repercussions that we may face in the coming months, after the complete national lockdown in force at the time of writing is lifted and we move towards a partial lockdown state. Nationally, there needs to be a shift in mindset towards exploring alternative technology-based preventive measures that may empower the healthcare sector in the long term and enhance social distancing

COVID-19 , Artificial Intelligence , Biomedical Enhancement , Health Care Sector , Pandemics , Social Isolation , South Africa
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 19(2): 93-110, jul.-dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115727


Resumen: La discusión sobre el human enhancement es uno de los temas que ha tomado más relevancia dentro de los debates bioéticos actuales. En este artículo realizaremos un abordaje sobre este concepto, específicamente en relación al tema de la mejora cognitiva. Con la idea de crear un marco ético reflexivo, abordaremos el tema desde varias vertientes. En primer lugar, cómo se entiende la mejora cognitiva, a partir de dos aspectos distintos: la finalidad de la mejora y la acción mejoradora en sí misma. Posteriormente, se enfocarán los alcances de la mejora cognitiva desde la óptica de las investigaciones científicas sobre el tema. En la segunda parte del texto, analizaremos (a partir del meta-análisis de una selección de investigaciones científico-empíricas) el tema de si realmente se presenta una mejora y, de ser así, de qué clase de mejora se trata. Para finalizar, realizaremos una reflexión en torno a los problemas morales que presenta la mejora cognitiva, para concluir brevemente que este tipo de mejora solo se presenta en un sentido muy limitado, al tiempo que se encuentra justificada por un marco reduccionista de la cognición y, por lo tanto, del ser humano mismo.

Abstract: The discussion on human enhancement is one of the topics that has gained more relevance in the current bioethical debates. In this article we will approach this concept, specifically in relation to the cognitive enhancement. In order to create a reflexive ethical framework, we will approach the subject from different points of view. Firstly, how cognitive improvement is understood based on two different aspects: the enhancement purpose and the enhancing activity itself. Subsequently, the scope of cognitive enhancement will be approached from the perspective of scientific research on the subject. On the second part of this paper we will analyze (based on the metanalysis of a selection of technical-empirical research papers) whether there is an actual enhancement and, if there is, what kind of enhancement is it. Finally, we will carry out a reflection around the moral problems represented by cognitive enhancement, to briefly conclude that this kind of enhancement occurs in a very limited manner while being justified from a reductionist framework of cognition and therefore of the human being.

Resumo: A discussão sobre o human enhancement é um dos tópicos que ganhou maior relevância nos atuais debates bioéticos. Neste artigo, abordaremos esse conceito, especificamente em relação à questão da melhoria cognitiva. Com a ideia de criar um marco ético reflexivo, abordaremos a questão sob vários aspectos. Primeiro, como a melhoria cognitiva é entendida, com base em dois aspectos diferentes: a finalidade da melhoria e a própria ação de melhoria. Posteriormente, o alcance da melhoria cognitiva será focado na perspectiva das pesquisas científicas sobre essa temática. Na segunda parte do texto, analisaremos (a partir da meta-análise de uma seleção de pesquisas científico-empíricas) a questão de saber se uma melhoria é realmente apresentada e, em caso afirmativo, de que tipo de melhoria se trata. Finalmente, realizaremos uma reflexão sobre os problemas morais apresentados pela melhoria cognitiva, concluindo brevemente que esse tipo de melhoria ocorre apenas em um sentido muito limitado, sendo justificado por um marco reducionista da cognição e, portanto, do próprio ser humano.

Humans , Nootropic Agents , Therapeutics , Biomedical Enhancement , Bioethical Issues
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 37(1): 85-94, ene.-mar. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-991094


Introducción: La detección de talentos deportivos para el atletismo correspondiente a un rango etario promedio entre los 10 y 11 años (ambos sexos) se basa en el rendimiento físico obtenido mediante pruebas de valoración del rendimiento deportivo establecidas en la literatura. Delimitar indicadores físicos y médico-biológicos permite gestionar eficientemente el proceso de dirección del entrenamiento deportivo. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento físico y biomédico de los estudiantes de perspectivas deportivas, con el propósito de identificar talentos deportivos para la práctica del atletismo. Métodos: Bajo un muestreo intencional se seleccionó a 26 alumnos de perspectivas deportivas entre 11-12 años (12 sujetos del sexo femenino y 14 sujetos del masculino) entrenados en la Escuela Obdulio Morales Torres, aplicándole ocho pruebas físicas y biomédicas para determinar sus potencialidades reales para la selección deportiva del atletismo cubano. Resultados: Se establecieron medias colectivas que para el sexo femenino se ubicaron en 37,08 puntos (Rendimiento Bien), y el masculino en 33,29 (Rendimiento Regular). Al menos 12 sujetos (talentos deportivos) de ambos sexos presentaron indicadores altos a tener en cuenta para la selección deportiva en diversas modalidades del atletismo, 9 se calificaron como reserva deportiva y 5 sin condiciones. Conclusiones: Las pruebas de mayor relevancia para las niñas de 10 años fueron la rapidez y la resistencia, y en los niños de 11 años la rapidez y el salto de longitud con carrera de impulso. Los resultados obtenidos permiten ubicar a los alumnos con perspectivas de acuerdo con los eventos de velocidad, saltos, lanzamientos y eventos múltiples según sus resultados(AU)

Introduction: The sport talents detection for athletics corresponding to an average age range between 10 and 11 years old (both sexes) is based on physical performance obtained through sports performance assessment tests established in the literature. Delimiting physical and medical-biological indicators allows the management process of sports training to be efficiently managed. Objective: To determine the physical and biomedical behavior of sports perspectives students, with the purpose of identifying sport talents for the athletics practice. Methods: Under an intentional sampling, 26 students of sports perspectives were selected between 11-12 years old (12 female subjects and 14 male subjects) trained in the Obdulio Morales Torres School, applying eight physical and biomedical tests to determine their Real potentials for the Cuban athletics sports selection. Results: Collective arithmetic means were established, for the female sex they were located in 37.08 points (Good Performance), and masculine in 33.29 (Regular Performance). At least 12 subjects (sports talents) of both sexes presented high indicators to be taken into account for sport selection in various athletics modalities, 9 were qualified as sports reserve and 5 without conditions. Conclusions: The most relevant tests for 10-year-old girls were speed and resistance. In 11 years old boys the speed and long jump with momentum were the best passed tests of athletics. The obtained results allow to locate the students with perspectives according to events of speed, jumps, throws and multiple events according to their results(AU)

Humans , Child , Track and Field/education , Biomedical Enhancement/methods , Aptitude , Athletic Performance/trends , Physical Functional Performance
Annals Abbassi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College. 2017; 22 (2): 133-137
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-187485


Ever since the idea of [Transhumanism] came into being, it has divided our society into two opposing factions i.e. the bioconservatives and transhumanists. The transhumanist movement is based on the idea that enhancements should be made in humans through technology while bioconservatives oppose this idea. Transhumanism is already feared to be world's most dangerous idea by bioconservatives such as Francis Fukuyama, as it is not justified or proven yet that transhumanism is safe for our future. The notion is believed to be not only de-humanising but also poses many threats to the rest of humanity. As explicitly suggested by bioconservatives human enhancing technologies are more of a bane than a boon. Furthermore, many of the transhumanist technologies have many demerits to them. Bioconservatives believe that the technological enhancements will lead to obscenity and be a blemish on the human race. It is highly possible that humans will suffer from autocracy by the hands of the posthumans, since the posthuman age will certainly give rise to several moral dilemmas, such as racism, which will plague the human world. There are four fundamental aspects of transhumanism; nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology [IT] and cognitive sciences, which come with many promising advantages, but can also turn our future into a dystopia. Even with constant opposition from the bioconservatives, the dark scenarios related with the ascend of the transhuman era are inevitable and the amalgamation of machines with man is equivalent to forfeiting true humanity

Humans , Biomedical Engineering , Biomedical Enhancement , Ethics , Human Characteristics , Cognitive Science , Biotechnology , Nanotechnology
Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine [The]. 2016; 63 (April): 238-247
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-176207


Background: Bisphenol A [BPA] is a worldwide used endocrine disruptor that is incorporated in many plastic industries. Exposure of humans to such substance starts early during the fetal life, postnatal life, and extends throughout the life of the individual. Many agencies raised warnings against excessive use of such substance

Aim of the work: This study aimed to investigate effects of the recovery period [RP] and stem cell enhancer [SCE] on the female albino rats which received BPA

Materials and Methods: This study was performed on forty female albino rats with an average body weight of 140-160 grams. Animals were divided into four groups [10 rats per cage]; group I [control untreated for 30 days], group II [BPA treated for 15 days, and then sacrificed], group III [BPA treated first for 15 days, then left for another 15 days without any treatment "RP"], and group IV [BPA treated first for 15 days, then treated with SCE for another 15 days]. The following biochemical analyses were done to all groups; ALT [alanine amino-transferase], AST [aspartate amino-transferase], GGT [gamma glutamyl-transferase], total proteins, albumin, globulins, A/G ratio [i.e., liver function tests], creatinine, A/C [albumin/creatinine] ratio, uric acid [i.e., renal function tests], total lipids, total cholesterol, LDL-C [low density lipoprotein cholesterol], HDL-C [high density lipoprotein cholesterol], and triglycerides [i.e., lipids profile]

Results: In the BPA treated rats [group II] the biochemical results showed highly significant increases [P<0.01] in the enzymatic activities of ALT, AST, GGT, creatinine, uric acid, total lipids, total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglycerides levels, with only a significant increase [P<0.05] in globulins levels when compared to the control group. On the other hand, there was highly significant decreases [P<0.01] in total proteins, albumin, A/G ratio, A/C ratio, and HDL-C levels when compared to the control group. These results turned back to about the normal control values after stopping the use of BPA and either taking a RP [group III] or receiving the SCE [group IV]

Conclusions and Recommendations: It could be concluded that BPA has dangerous toxic effects on the liver and kidney functions as well as on the lipids profile. So, we recommend minimizing utilization of this compound [BPA] as possible to protect people from these hazardous effects. Moreover, the RP [i.e., 15 days without treatment] is better than the use of SCE which has no more benefit against the antitoxic effects of BPA

Animals, Laboratory , Phenols , Stem Cells , Rats , Biomedical Enhancement
Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine [The]. 2016; 63 (April): 248-257
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-176208


Background: The xenoestrogen, bisphenol-A [BPA], is a worldwide food contaminant with endocrine disruptor activity that is incorporated in many plastic industries. The exposure of humans to such substances starts early during the fetal life, postnatal life and extends throughout the life of the individual. Many agencies raised warnings against the excessive use of these substances

Aim of the work: The present study was designed to determine if the usage of stem cell enhancer [SE] moderates the physiological changes occasioned by exposure to BPA in the female albino rats

Materials and Methods: This study was performed on thirty female albino rats with an average 100-120 g body weight. The animals were divided into three groups; Group I [Control untreated-group], Group II [bisphenol­A treated group] and Group III [treated group orally supplied with bisphenol ­A then treated with stem cell Enhancer [SE]]. Serum was separated and used for estimation of hormonal levels [estradiol, progesterone, prolactin [PRL], follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH] and luteinizing hormone [LH]], some biochemical parameters [liver enzymes, kidney function, glucose and lipid profile] and CA-125 and CA 15-3 tumor markers

Results: The biochemical results showed marked significant increase [P<0.01] in the enzyme activities [aspartate aminotransferase [ASAT], alanine aminotransferase [ALAT] and alkaline phosphatase [ALP]], urea and creatinine in bisphenol­A treated group when compared to the control group. These parameters were significantly reduced in the group treated with stem cell enhancer as compared to bisphenol ­A treated group. Decline in the concentration of lipid profile with increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL- C] levels in the stem cell treated group as compared to bisphenol-A group were observed. There was a significant elevation in prolactin, FSH and tumor marker levels concomitant with a significant reduction in LH levels in bisphenol-A treated group compared to the control group. These results were changed to values very close to control by using the stem cell enhancer

Conclusion: It could be concluded that bisphenol-A has dangerous effects on liver and kidney functions as well as on lipid profile, female hormones and tumor markers level. So, we recommended minimizing the utililizing of this compound and the use of some protective materials as stem cell enhancer to protect people from its hazardous effects

Animals, Laboratory , Benzhydryl Compounds , Phenols , Rats , Biomedical Enhancement , Protective Agents
Saúde Soc ; 24(3): 1033-1046, jul.-set. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-756583


São abordadas e discutidas as tecnologias de melhoramento e sua meta de vender a possibilidade (real ou virtual) de manter e proporcionar aparência de juventude, longevidade e até imortalidade aos seres humanos como modelo de construção da noção de si mesmo. Emprega-se a ideia de "promoção de saúde ampliada" tanto no sentido de intensificação dos discursos sustentando comportamentos saudáveis como alegoria fotográfica no sentido de ampliar a sua imagem e permitir uma visão mais aproximada de detalhes políticos, ideológicos e mercantis das suas proposições. A partir de uma tipologia das ciências contra o envelhecimento feita por John Vincent em: cosméticas, médicas, biológicas e imortalistas, são enfocados os dois últimos itens e suas implicações. Ao final, propõe-se um enfoque analítico da questão, destacando estratégias biopolíticas para lidar com a finitude humana através de enfoques preemptivos sob a égide da hiperprevenção e a busca de um tipo de felicidade como autossatisfação pessoal que necessita de tecnologias de melhoramento para ser alcançada.

In this article, we discuss enhancement technologies and their goal to sell the possibility (actual or virtual) of keeping and providing appearances of youth, longevity and even immortality for human beings as a construction model of the notion of self. We employ the idea of 'amplified health promotion' in the sense of intensification of discourses supporting healthy behaviours and also as a photographic allegory, in the sense of amplifying its image in order to allow a closer view of the political, ideological and mercantile details of its proposals. Based on a typology of the anti-ageing sciences, proposed by John Vincent as cosmetic, medical, biological and immortalist, we deal with the latter two and their implications. Finally, we propose an analytical focus on the subject, emphasizing biopolitical strategies to deal with human finitude through preemptive approaches with the support of hyper-prevention, and the search of a kind of happiness as personal self-fulfillment that needs enhancement technologies to be reached.

Humans , Male , Female , Technological Development , Longevity , Medicine , Biomedical Enhancement , Biomedical Technology , Healthy Lifestyle , Health Promotion , Harm Reduction , Personal Satisfaction
Rev. bioét. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 267-276, maio-ago. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-756501


Um dos pontos controversos do debate sobre os usos da biotecnologia é a função normativa da fronteira entre terapia e melhoramento. Para quem defende tal fronteira, as intervenções biotecnocientíficas no ser humano têm de restringir-se à terapia, de modo que o melhoramento deve ser proibido. Neste artigo, defendemos que essa fronteira tem importantes imprecisões empíricas e problemas conceituais, sendo normativamente inadequada para justificar a diferença entre o que deve ser prescrito e proscrito. Primeiramente, analisamos a distinção entre normal e anormal, haja vista servir de alicerce a tal fronteira. Em seguida, examinamos a fronteira propriamente dita, a fim de apontar seus problemas. Identificando tais problemas e postulando que a normalidade biológica é desprovida de relevância moral intrínseca, inferimos que não resta claro por que seria moralmente proibido à biotecnologia avançar além da terapia.

One of the controversial points of the debate regarding the uses of biotechnology is the normative function of the boundary between therapy and improvement. For those who defend such a boundary, bio-techno-scientific interventions in human beings must be restricted to therapy, such that improvement must be prohibited. In this paper, we defend the viewpoint that this boundary has important empirical imprecisions and conceptual problems, such that it is normatively inappropriate to justify the difference between what what must be prescribed and proscribed. In the first place, we analyze the distinction between normal and abnormal, in view of the foundations for such a boundary. Next, we examine the boundary per se, in order to point out its problems. Identifying such problems and postulating that biological normality is bereft of intrinsic moral relevance, we infer that it is not clear why it would be morally forbidden for biotechnology to advance beyond therapy.

Uno de los temas polémicos en el debate sobre los usos de la biotecnología es la función normativa de la frontera entre terapia y mejora. Para los que las defienden, las intervenciones biotecnocientíficas sobre el ser humano tienen que restringirse a la terapia, por lo que en la mejora debería estar prohibido. En este artículo, se argumenta que esta frontera tiene importantes imprecisiones empíricas y problemas conceptuales, siendo normativamente inadecuada para justificar la diferencia entre lo que debe ser prescrito y proscrito. En primer lugar, analizamos la distinción entre lo normal y lo anormal, teniendo en cuenta que la misma sirve como base de esa frontera. Después examinamos la frontera misma, con el fin de señalar sus problemas, postulando que la normalidad biológica no tiene una relevancia moral intrínseca y señalando los problemas de esa frontera, deducimos que no queda claro por qué debería estar moralmente prohibido que la biotecnología fuera más allá de la terapia.

Humans , Male , Female , Bioethics , Biomedical Enhancement , Biotechnology , Biotechnology/standards , Technological Development , Therapeutics , Hermeneutics
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 81(1): 6-7, Jan-Feb/2015.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741315
Pers. bioet ; 17(1): 68-84, jun. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-680483


El presente trabajo aborda el debate que se ha dado en la última década a propósito del tema del mejoramiento en sus diferentes variantes. Sobresale el escaso consenso a la hora de definir el concepto y respecto de la necesidad de permitir o prohibir estas prácticas. El único punto de amplio acuerdo es la necesidad de no admitir mejoramientos que impliquen riesgos para la salud, aplazando el debate basado en argumentos que superen el mero peligro para la salud física. De esta manera, parecería que los criterios científicos son los que determinan el destino de los comportamientos sociales. En este sentido, la categoría de medicalización permitirá incorporar la crítica a la sociedad contemporánea y a la hegemonía de la visión médico-científica.

This work addresses the debate mounted in the last decade on the subject of improvement in its different variations. There is a striking lack of consensus when it comes to defining the concept and the need to permit or prohibit such practices. The only point on which there is widespread agreement is the need to block improvements that involve health hazards, thereby postponing the debate based on arguments that go beyond the mere risk to physical wellbeing. Thus, it seems as though scientific criteria are what determines the fate of social behavior. In this sense, the category of medicalization will allow for accommodating a critique of contemporary society and the hegemony of the medical-scientific vision.

O presente trabalho aborda o debate que vem sendo dado na última década a respeito do tema do melhoramento em suas diferentes variantes. Salienta o escasso consenso na hora de definir o conceito e respeito da necessidade de permitir ou proibir essas práticas. O único ponto de amplo acordo é a necessidade de não admitir melhoramentos que impliquem riscos para a saúde, adiando o debate baseado em argumentos que superem o mero perigo para a saúde física. Dessa maneira, pareceria que os critérios científicos são os que determinam o destino dos comportamentos sociais. Nesse sentido, a categoria de medicalização permitirá incorporar a crítica à sociedade contemporânea e à hegemonia da visão médico-científica.

Humans , Bioethics , Biological Therapy , Biomedical Enhancement , Genetic Enhancement , Medicalization
Estudios bolivianos ; 18: 169-182, 2013. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-998891


El estudio investiga las razones de la utilización de la medicina occidental y la medicina tradicional a partir de la óptica de las representaciones sociales sostenidas por los estudiantes de las Facultades de Medicina de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés de la ciudad de La Paz y de la Universidad Pública de El Alto. El método utilizado fue la "asociación libre de palabras"; las palabras inductoras determinadas a través de un estudio piloto, como representativas de ambas medicinas, fueron "kallawaya" y "médico". Los resultados señalan que las poblaciones de la muestra presentan similitudes y diferencias en la representación de estas medicinas, las cuales estarían determinadas por las diferencias culturales existentes entre estas ciudades. Los datos obtenidos proveen información que puede ser de utilidad en la formulación de políticas de salud. (AU)

Humans , Students, Medical , Biomedical Enhancement , Bolivia , Health of Indigenous Peoples , Medicine, Traditional
S. Afr. fam. pract. (2004, Online) ; 55(2): 175-179, 2013.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1270020


Objectives: Health care in South Africa takes place within a diverse cultural context and includes perceptions about health that strongly link to cultural beliefs and values. Biomedical healthcare professionals; particularly nurses; are exposed to and expected to cope with cultural challenges on a daily basis; with little or no training on how to do so. In this paper; we explore nurse and patient attitudes to and beliefs about how the systems of health care coexist; what issues this raises and how nurses and patients address these issues in their daily practice. Design: The study employed an exploratory; qualitative research design. Setting and subjects: Four in-depth focus group discussions were conducted with nurses and patients at a deep rural; district hospital in northern KwaZulu-Natal. Participants were selected based on their availability and willingness to contribute to the discussion. Results: Traditional and biomedical healthcare systems coexist and are used simultaneously with the healthcare-seeking pattern of patients traversing multiple systems of care. Currently; patients and nurses have developed strategies to address this by steering a pragmatic course to minimise risks; and by doing so; bridging the gap between the two healthcare mediums. Conclusion: Further research is required to understand which illnesses are primarily seen as traditional; how this gap can be effectively addressed; and how different healthcare co-delivery models can best be utilised and evaluated

Attitude to Health , Biomedical Enhancement , Culture , Delivery of Health Care , Medicine , Nurses , Patients